Web Marketing Resources
Integrated Web Marketing Resources to take your website to the next level

Working with our Web Marketing Resources, you can easily build up your site’s acceptance from your Web Site Control Panel. Via the Sitemap Generator you will get a precise sitemap for your website within a few minutes. You can easily send the sitemap to major search engines so that they could index your web site in the shortest time. Also, through the RSS News publishing instrument, you are able to add routinely refreshed information on your web site, which is actually a guarantee for higher listing positions with the search engines. The GeoIP re–direction application will let you reroute website visitors from a specific country into a certain language variation of your site for more precise marketing outcomes.
A Sitemap Generator
Get a sitemap with all of your pages in a mouse click
The quickest way of getting your recently released website indexed by the search engines will be to post a sitemap. The sitemap lists all of the webpages on your website and by publishing it to a search engine, you notify it that you want those pages to get listed as quickly as possible. Sitemaps are typically made by third–party applications. However, with us, it’s not necessary to navigate away from your Web Site Control Panel. Our custom–built Sitemap Generator is bundled into the Advanced Instruments area and will generate a sitemap for you in a click of the mouse.
All you should do is opt for the max amount of pages you’ll want to be indexed, the range of the scanned links along with the format of the sitemap document.
GeoIP Redirection
Hassle–free location–driven re–direction
We offer a simple application, which will help you to filter the visitors to your web site according to their country. For example, utilizing the GeoIP re–direction application, you can quickly send all of the website traffic coming from Spain towards the Spanish version of your website in case you have such. This enables you to focus on your users far more precisely and offer them with the on–site experience they anticipate.
No particular abilities or special comprehension are required to work with the GeoIP redirection application, and you no longer need to use .htaccess files to do the job.
RSS News
Show the most recent news on your site
What is RSS? RSS can be described as a method for posting and collecting web content. It’s being commonly used by information sites, private weblogs, newscasts, and so on. The presented information is easily collected through a feed aggregator and then shown to the user. Working with RSS, customers can gather updates from multiple sites and read them in a single area.
With our RSS News tool, you can quickly insert information feeds from some of the world’s most popular publication sites and showcase them on your own website.