The Z File System, or ZFS, is an advanced file system that is much better than any other file system available on the market. It is incredibly reliable and provides the best possible performance for the hosting platforms that employ it. What makes it different is that it compares the so-called checksum of all files on the hard drives which make up a RAID array in real time and if a file is damaged, it is repaired immediately. Essentially, the exact same website files are stored on two or more drives and if there is a problem with a file on one hard disk, a good copy is used from the other drive in order to restore that file. By comparison, none of the other widely used file systems uses checksums. ZFS is also considerably faster and its performance is not impacted by the amount of files stored on the hosting servers. The larger speeds also enable backups to be created faster and more frequently without affecting the overall performance of the system.

ZFS Cloud Storage, Mails, MySQL in Shared Hosting

If you opt to host your Internet sites within a shared hosting account from our firm, you'll experience the benefits of the ZFS file system first-hand since we employ it on all web servers which are part of our progressive cloud platform. Your files, email messages and databases will be stored on web servers which use NVMe drives and plenty of physical memory that makes it very easy to utilize the whole potential of the ZFS file system. Because backups are created faster, we will keep four copies of all your content daily, so in the event that you delete a file or some update damages your site, you can immediately restore everything the way it was through the browsable backups which are available in your CP. In case of a web server failure, it will take seconds to switch to a backup machine and by employing the ZFS system, we guarantee that the new machine will have the latest copy of your website and that none of your files shall be corrupted. Our ZFS-powered web hosting solutions shall offer you the speed, stability and protection that you want for your sites.

ZFS Cloud Storage, Mails, MySQL in Semi-dedicated Hosting

We use the ZFS system on all servers that are part of our top-notch cloud hosting platform and if you opt to host your Internet sites within a semi-dedicated hosting account, you will be able to benefit from all its features. Using the file system on all machines in which your files, emails and databases will be stored means that you will not need stress about losing precious data as the backup servers which we use shall have the exact same copy of your content at all times and the ZFS system is a guarantee that the copy shall not be corrupted even in case the main web server fails for some reason. You'll additionally be able to browse the 4 backups of your data that we'll make on a daily basis - one more function which we provide due to using ZFS and that no enterprise using another file system or Control Panel can offer. The top performance of our system and of your websites is guaranteed through the use of hundreds of gigabytes of RAM and NVMe drives, so not only is our hosting platform safe and powerful, but it's also extremely fast and it provides the best possible service for the optimal performance of any site hosted on it.