FTP, which is an acronym for File Transfer Protocol, represents one of the most widespread methods of exchanging files between a computer system and a server. Using FTP client software such as FileZilla, you can make a connection to your website hosting account and drag ‘n’ drop files or whole directories in either direction and the software will do all the rest. There’re several pros of employing FTP, among them the option to restart an upload/download in case there’s a problem with the connection and the option to have different FTP accounts. Thanks to the latter option, you can set up FTP users that can access only specific folders in your web hosting account, but no other folders, e-mails or any other info, which makes it the ideal solution if you have to grant a web designer access, for instance. You can also use an FTP account with popular apps such as Dreamweaver or FrontPage and upload the sites that you’ve created directly from them, without having to use any third-party software.

FTP Accounts in Shared Hosting

Each of the shared hosting packages that we’re offering will permit you to create unlimited FTP accounts, so you will be able to administer the content of your websites independently or to grant other people access to any Internet site in your web hosting account. If you’ve got a web design software app pre-installed on your PC, you’ll be able to run multiple Internet sites at the same time and to keep them up to date without any effort. If you give the login information to some other person to carry out a particular task, you will be able to update the password for that FTP account or to remove it altogether with just a couple of mouse clicks and avoid any possibility of unsolicited access to your web content in the future. For the sake of convenience, all FTP accounts that you set up will be listed in alphabetical order in the corresponding section of your Hepsia Control Panel.

FTP Accounts in Semi-dedicated Hosting

When you host your sites under a semi-dedicated server account, you will be able to set up a different FTP account for any of them, as we haven’t set a restriction on this feature with any of our plans. You can accomplish this via the FTP section of our simple-to-use Hepsia hosting Control Panel where you can also see the full list of all the accounts that you’ve set up, along with the folder that each one can access. If necessary, you’ll be able to update the password for a given FTP account or to modify its access path with a couple of clicks of the mouse. You can also remove an account with ease if you no longer need it – for example, if you’ve hired a developer who’s done with the website and you don’t want them to be able to access your web files any longer. For convenience’s sake, we have selected a number of educational video clips, which will help you administer your FTP accounts with no effort in case you’ve never used a hosting service previously.

FTP Accounts in VPS

The virtual private server packages that we offer will permit you to set up an unlimited number of FTP accounts to administer the content of your websites. This is valid irrespective of which VPS package you buy and which hosting Control Panel you select during the order process – Hepsia, DirectAdmin or cPanel. In any case, you will acquire FTP access to the machine without installing any kind of software, as an FTP server is an integral part of the basic software bundle that is included in the Virtual Private Server packages by default. You can create one FTP account for every domain or subdomain that you own or even several accounts for a single folder – if you want a number of individuals to access the content inside it with their own set of login credentials. With each of the offered Control Panels, setting up, deleting or modifying an FTP account will take no more than a couple of clicks of the mouse via an easy-to-navigate interface.